[ubuntu-uk] Installing the Edubuntu

Pottar Muzamba pottarm at gmail.com
Sun Jan 9 15:00:15 UTC 2011

I have noticed the problem. The Iso did not properly download. When I
try to click top the file (edubuntu-10.04-dvd-i386) to see the
contents, the upper file with a cd says nothing to view. The bottom
file (edubuntu-10.04-dvd-i386.iso.part) says the file is not
compatible to windows system, select a program to open it with. Let
down load the files again and see the out come. I will come back to
you when encounter problems on the second trial.


Pottar Muzamba
4 Northlands Roads, Totton
Southampton, Hampshire
SO40 3GZ
Mobile: +44(0)7775039110
Email: pottarm at gmail.com

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