[ubuntu-uk] Netbook Ubuntu v. plain Ubuntu

John MM scoundrel50a at gmail.com
Tue Feb 8 10:44:36 UTC 2011

Well, one of the things I want to do is change the Icons at the side 
bar. Instead of using FF, I want the Google Chrome Icon there, the same 
with e-mail client, I want to change it to TB.

I am trying to see if my external dvd player will work. it did work up 
till I updated, I cant work out where to look for the drives, there 
doesnt seem to be anywhere to find them.

those are a couple of things so far.

On 08/02/11 09:49, Gordon Burgess-Parker wrote:
> On 08/02/11 08:54, John MM wrote:
>> Ok, just worked out how to do the clean install of Ubuntu Netbook 
>> using usb stick. had a few problems, but got it working now. Problem 
>> is, I cant work out how to use it. Is there a guide for the Netbook 
>> version.
> Well it's reasonably straight forward. Where are you getting stuck? 
> (Some of the Admin tasks are not so easy to find but everything else 
> is pretty easy.....)

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