[ubuntu-uk] Netbook Ubuntu v. plain Ubuntu

gazz pmgazz at gmx.co.uk
Mon Feb 7 12:56:58 UTC 2011

> On 4 February 2011 21:22, Dianne Reuby <pramclub at yahoo.co.uk> wrote:
>         A friend has asked me to look at her husbands netbook, which
>         is running
>         Linux. He bought it from Tesco two years ago, so I think it
>         probably
>         *is* Ubuntu.
>         His problems are mainly that it doesn't recognise USB devices
>         when
>         they're plugged in, and it downloads updates but doesn't
>         install them.
>         He wants to do more than email and web browsing, which is all
>         he feels
>         he can do at the moment (it has shortcuts on the desktop for
>         email and
>         firefox).
>         If it's two years old, and he hasn't upgraded, will it be
>         pre-Unity? As
>         I've never used a netbook, only Ubuntu on desktops and
>         laptops, will I
>         be able to find my way around it?
>         She thinks his cunning plan is to break it so he can buy a new
>         one, but
>         I don't want to be the one that breaks it! :)
>         TIA
>         Dianne
>         --
>         ubuntu-uk at lists.ubuntu.com
>         https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-uk
>         https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UKTeam/

Doesn't sound like Ubuntu - but the laptop would run a full installation
of Ubuntu. Where are you? Is there anyone running installation workshops
near you? 

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