[ubuntu-uk] DVD Booklets?

Alan Pope alan.pope at canonical.com
Fri Dec 23 11:21:28 UTC 2011

On 23/12/11 11:14, Matthew Daubney wrote:
> They have them on train station platforms now, providing a link to 
> timetables for trains :) Was the first major use I saw for them. Also 
> noticed them on a few bus stop type advertising bill boards for games 
> (again giving a link for more information, though one was a link to 
> phone backgrounds and stuff) -Matt Daubney 

Right. So you're walking past something and don't have a pen or paper to 
hand it makes sense to snap a picture of a QR Code to note it for future 
perusal. The product in question (timetables, pictures, sounds etc) is 
not tangible it's electronically delivered and the QR code is just a 
shortcut to get it.

Its very different for tangible products like DVDs where you have the 
thing in your hand. I am unconvinced that someone would even notice the 
QR code on each and every product. Maybe if there was a banner up people 
could take a picture of the QR code, but it seems overkill on the 
product itself.

Anyway, that's all an aside. I think it's great that someone is taking 
Ubuntu and packaging it up for people using his own resources. More 
people should do this :)


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