[ubuntu-uk] Unity - I like this

Yorvyk yorvik.ubunto at googlemail.com
Fri Dec 16 23:15:41 UTC 2011

On Thu, 15 Dec 2011 20:07:45 +0000
alan c <aeclist at candt.waitrose.com> wrote:

> I ran small club meetings Monday and Wednesday (different people, all
> retired), five or six in each meeting, and all are interested in Libre
> computing, however they are still all using Windows on their usual PCs
> and would regard themselves as non techie novices, at the slightly
> ambitious end of things.
> I had a bunch of Ubuntu 11.10 CDs to offer, and this was demonstrated
> as installed and also in live session. One more experienced attender
> had already downloaded it and installed  it on a 10 year old laptop
> and it was actually running almost normally, albeit with slight
> delays. Impressive.
> One attender said 11.10 had a good review in a computer Mag. Everyone
> seemed to quite like it. Before one meeting my wife had asked for
> 11.10 to be installed on her Meenee laptop, (I am still using Ubuntu
> 10.04.3 LTS on my main PC)  it just got on in time, and made a nice
> showing.
> A long time friend had recently said he now wanted (at last!) to try
> Ubuntu dual boot, so this was completed yesterday and with a delivery
> briefing and q & a this morning. The intention was that a friend of
> his can now see it and it might be good for both of them in the near
> future.
> 'Swish' looking was one comment. Another friend is still waiting (and
> asking) in the wings for (Unity) because I said will prefer to upgrade
> them after 12.04 is released and settled.
> All in all, Unity is being well received by these novices, with no
> hint of them wanting a hierarchical menu system.
This is what I'm finding.  They're people that just want the computer to be an 'appliance' and Unity seems to suit most of them.  Some, despite using computers for some time, are now using more than the mail client and web browser.  Others are now having more than one or two applications open at a time.  They used to close applications they’d  finished using and open them again a few minutes later or forget they had it open and open another instance.  I think Canonical/Ubuntu is really on to something with Unity.


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