[ubuntu-uk] Does anyone have experience with using a usb hard drive docking station with Ubuntu?

bodsda at googlemail.com bodsda at googlemail.com
Mon Dec 5 13:53:09 UTC 2011


I haven't used any docking station, but I've used plenty of sata>usb connectors and they work brilliantly.

The drives just get mounted when you plug them in and there shouldn't be any conflict with your current system unless you reconfigure grub whilst they are attached, in which case you may get a few more distros in your boot list.

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device

-----Original Message-----
From: javadayaz <javadayaz at gmail.com>
Sender: ubuntu-uk-bounces at lists.ubuntu.com
Date: Mon, 5 Dec 2011 13:41:16 
To: British Ubuntu Talk<ubuntu-uk at lists.ubuntu.com>
Reply-To: UK Ubuntu Talk <ubuntu-uk at lists.ubuntu.com>
Subject: [ubuntu-uk] Does anyone have experience with using a usb hard drive
 docking station with Ubuntu?

ubuntu-uk at lists.ubuntu.com

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