[ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu - Wrong Direction?

scoundrel50a scoundrel50a at gmail.com
Fri Dec 2 12:24:48 UTC 2011

On 02/12/11 11:49, Alan Pope wrote:
> On 02/12/11 11:47, scoundrel50a wrote:
>> And you wonder why Ubuntu is static......
> What does that even _mean_?
> Al

Going round in cirlces again, we had this discussion not long ago and it 
seems every year we have the same one (and I remember 7.04 being 
intropduced), and the same things are being talked about and the same 
attitude if you dont like it, go somewhere else......Ubuntu wont get 
anywhere until you get a good support system in place, 'for everybody'. 
People wont stay because its just not there, and to be told if you dont 
like it go somewhere else even if your just talking to one person, 
somebody comes on and sees that, its bye.....ok, some people dont like 
change, I dont like Unity, I think its too clunky, and that is before 
you get to the bugs.......it seems that those of that dont like have to 
lump it and its tough........

I still have a computer that is fairly new, and I cant get 11.04 or 
11.10 to install on it, and I still havent been able to get help to see 
if it will ever be able to get it to work, I had to buy a new computer 
another one, not many people will do that....very few in fact 
would.......and I am getting support from the company that I bought it 
from, or I would have had similar problems, not being able to get 

You need to decide if you are going to keep with just business or 
business and personal, which ever way you do it, you have to sort the 
support out......or every year the same subject is going to come 
up....and still no real decisions have been made.......

That is what I mean by static, its not moving forward.....

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