[ubuntu-uk] saving 2mb file to Windows network is sloooowww!

Ronnie Tucker ronnie at ronnietucker.co.uk
Sat Sep 25 15:03:49 BST 2010

I've hooked up my little EEE 701 PC (with Linux Mint 9) to a Windows 
2000 (server) network so that I can use OOo, but when I ask OOo to save 
a (measly 2mb) spreadsheet to the Windows 2000 server it takes about 
five minutes (honestly!) to save the file. If I save directly to the EEE 
it saves in no time.

I'm using a vanilla install of Mint 9, haven't changed any settings on 
the EEE.

Is there anything I can do on the EEE to speed things up?

Any advice is much appreciated
(all be it that I can't do anything with it now until Tuesday, holiday 
Monday FTW!)

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