[ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu Direction

pmgazz pmgazz at gmx.co.uk
Mon Sep 13 13:19:14 BST 2010

On 13/09/10 10:52, alan c wrote:
> Although I wished they had contacted me, because I guessed such a
> problem might simply be that a downloaded  binary might have needed an
> executable permission set (maybe)
I think it's that the BBC hasn't updated the Adobe platform version. BBC 
knows about the problem, they've posted a notice that it only works with 
earlier versions of Ubuntu (since I and probably loads of other people 
have complained). Guess they'll do something when they get around to it.

As far as the overall discussion goes, Ubuntu is developing some 
annoying aspects but I agree that this is what the 'toaster' users out 
there want and it's important to get FOSS out there - they're also 
entitled also to be served by the FOSS community. I myself do still 
appreciate not having to spend a couple of hours sorting out driver 
modules and ransacking the internet for the right version of this and 
that and solving dependency probs. I use stuff like Skype and iPlayer 
myself so can't criticise anyone else, as long as these proprietary apps 
are signposted and kept separate I think it's fine.

For myself, I can use Debian if I want something more adaptable and 
slimmer but I always recommend Ubuntu to VCOs, friends and family who 
use computers to get something else done rather than enjoying messing 
around with computers for its own sake.

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