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On 13/09/10 10:52, alan c wrote:
<blockquote cite="mid:4C8DF452.1000101@candt.waitrose.com" type="cite"><br>
<pre wrap="">Although I wished they had contacted me, because I guessed such a
problem might simply be that a downloaded binary might have needed an
executable permission set (maybe)
I think it's that the BBC hasn't updated the Adobe platform version.
BBC knows about the problem, they've posted a notice that it only works
with earlier versions of Ubuntu (since I and probably loads of other
people have complained). Guess they'll do something when they get
around to it. <br>
As far as the overall discussion goes, Ubuntu is developing some
annoying aspects but I agree that this is what the 'toaster' users out
there want and it's important to get FOSS out there - they're also
entitled also to be served by the FOSS community. I myself do still
appreciate not having to spend a couple of hours sorting out driver
modules and ransacking the internet for the right version of this and
that and solving dependency probs. I use stuff like Skype and iPlayer
myself so can't criticise anyone else, as long as these proprietary
apps are signposted and kept separate I think it's fine. <br>
For myself, I can use Debian if I want something more adaptable and
slimmer but I always recommend Ubuntu to VCOs, friends and family who
use computers to get something else done rather than enjoying messing
around with computers for its own sake. <br>