[ubuntu-uk] IFSec show in Birmingham NEC 2011

Barry Drake bdrake at crosswire.org
Mon Oct 25 10:48:23 BST 2010

On Mon, 2010-10-25 at 10:14 +0100, Cornelius Mostert wrote:
> I have been to the 2010 IFSec show (IT and other Security show) at the
> NEC in Birmingham and even though it was a very good show I was very
> disappointed as there was no Linux stand and was wondering if anyone
> would like to setup a stand (businesses or individuals separate or
> jointly) http://www.ifsec.co.uk/

If anyone is able to arrange this, I'm only about an hour away and would
happily volunteer time and some equipment. (A netbook, a laptop and one
or two pc's currently all running Ubuntu 10.04).  Are there any sources
of finance for something like an exhibition?  Back in 1982, I manned an
NEC stand at HEVAC with a flue-gas analyser that I was manufacturing at
that time, and really enjoyed it!

Regards,		Barry Drake.
Sent from my Dell Netbook using Ubuntu - the window-free environment
that gives me real fresh air.

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