[ubuntu-uk] Improving Support

Markie mark.curtis.1970 at googlemail.com
Fri May 28 08:54:37 BST 2010

Hi Matt

So really, what drives you to support people?

When I receive support Im extremely grateful, so the best way to show
gratitude is by reciprocating that support.

> What, in your own opinion,
> could be done to help motivate yourself to do better?

Learn more, and then be able to share more. Motivation is not always the
issue, in a lot of cases its spare time (I think I speak for many people

Some more thoughts on the general subject of support:

Forums are a very good resource but people do tend to re-post problems
rather than search old posts, information re-use would help to keep the
amount of posts down and searches more succinct, I think tags and good
search practices help here. A good idea might be a sticky post on forums
with tips on how to get the best searches etc.

My daily job involves support. Sometimes customers re-raise known issues and
the company I work for is on a drive to improve knowledge re-use and
discouraging repeat issues etc. Its a good idea but a tricky task. I think
its difficult to create a balanced knowledge base with not too many articles
but with a good range of topics covered.

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