[ubuntu-uk] O2 Joggler: deal

Colin Law clanlaw at googlemail.com
Sun May 23 22:01:53 BST 2010

On 23 May 2010 21:27, Kris Douglas <krisdouglas at gmail.com> wrote:
> On 23 May 2010 21:22, Tim Powys-Lybbe <tim at southfarm.plus.com> wrote:
>> Problem 1: the USB sticks:
>> -------------------------
>> The 8 GB stick has no apparent fault as all the files on it can be seen
>> OK.
>> The 4 GB stick starts off as 4GB but formatting brings this down to 3.4
>> GB and this will not hold all of Stephen Ford's image.
>> Problem 2: Loading Ubuntu to the stick:
>> --------------------------------------
>> I had originally done this on the 8 GB stick via the Windows program
>> Disk Imager which made two partitions.
>> As this had not worked on the Joggler, I then tried following Stephen
>> Ford's simple instructions from his site.  I unzipped (un-tar, etc) his
>> file until I was left with this: joggler_unr_9.10_v1.3a.bin
>> I then wiped the stick and reformatted it.
>> The problem then came with his command of:
>>  dd if=joggler_unr_9.10_v1.3a.bin of=<your_own_device> bs=10M count=365
>> I did not know what <your_own_device>should be translated to.  So I
>> tried:
>>  dd if=joggler_unr_9.10_v1.3a.bin of=/dev/sdb1 bs=10M count=365
>> and got the response:
>>  dd: opening `/dev/sdb1': Permission denied
>> My second attempt was with this command:
>>  dd if=joggler_unr_9.10_v1.3a.bin
>>  of=/media/C/joggler_unr_9.10_v1.3a.bin bs=10M count=365
>> and this got the response of:
>>  365+0 records in
>>  365+0 records out
>>  3827302400 bytes (3.8 GB) copied, 707.077 s, 5.4 MB/s
>> As above, I put the stick in the Joggler and nothing useful resulted on
>> a reboot.
> Hello, the initial command looked correct, the location of the device
> is the name of where the usb stick is in the file system table, open
> Gparted/partition editor, you should see the usb device and it will be
> something like /dev/sdb
> then remember to type sudo before the command, just to see if you need
> root privilege to access the device. HTH

Just as a corollary to this, it is not necessary to format the stick
before writing it with dd.  The formatting info is included in the
image.  So the output file is something like sdb which is the complete
stick rather than a partition.


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