[ubuntu-uk] web hosting recommendation

ian pettitt ian.pettitt at bbsrc.ac.uk
Mon May 10 15:54:47 BST 2010

On 10/05/10 15:42, Gordon Joly wrote:
> On 09/05/2010 18:08, Kris Douglas wrote:
>>>>>>   I don't need a very advanced package, just apache/mysql/php, email
>>>>>>   so I don't want to pay for (or need) a VPS. Does anyone have any
>>>>>>   good recommendations?
> I use Memset and Amazon Web Services.
> Gordo

Thanks to everyone for their comments and suggestions, I have found it 
very useful. Thank you for the offers of server space - hopefully I 
should be ok as my host has managed to locate the reboot mysql function 
on their servers :-)

Now I can get my most recent data off and sync it with my test system, 
and begin the process of transferring to one of the companies 
recommended in this thread



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