[ubuntu-uk] London Ubuntu install party?

Alan Lord (News) alanslists at gmail.com
Sat Mar 27 18:35:29 GMT 2010

On 27/03/10 18:02, John Stevenson wrote:
> Hello all,
> Thanks for all the feedback.  I was planning this for the 1st May, but
> this has been pointed out as the same weekend as oggcamp.
> Would you all still be interested on a simultaneous London event or
> would you prefer the following weekend?

Personally, I would prefer if we could do it on a Friday. The idea you 
have and the opportunity to show off stuff like Ubuntu EC would be 
something we would be happy to be involved with and would probably want 
to invite some businesses to come along and see it in action.

> I have a venue in mind which would cater for up to 100 people, has
> wireless Internet connectivity and plenty of space.  The venue would
> cost to hire, so would either have to charge a small fee (£10-25) on
> entry or get some sponsorship.  Would you all still be interested if
> there is an entrance fee?

Did you not see the reply from James Thomas on the 23rd?

> Hi there,
> I hosted the bugjam in London a couple of times back and I am willing to do it again.
> I would of done something earlier but have been rushed off my feet with work...
> I am pretty sure I can provide a room or two with wireless and fixed point internet access..
> Pretty sure I can provide a box to load from scratch too with whatever demo stuff we can come up with.
> I can provide drinks and snacks and the venue is just outside of Liverpool street.
> Also, may be able to set up the video conferencing to stream out to web too!
> If you are interested, let me know.

Keep the dialogue here as it is something we'd be keen to help with but 
for us really would want to after Oggcamp not during...



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