[ubuntu-uk] Mums, Was: Ubuntu UK Science Museum Visit - WiFi Available!

Alan Pope alan at popey.com
Thu Mar 25 12:26:14 GMT 2010

On 25 March 2010 11:52, Jon Reynolds <maillist at jcrdevelopments.com> wrote:
> Yeah I try to explain things to her, but I think it is a
> combination of falling deaf ears and simply not getting it. My mum is 66 this year, has been using a computer a lot more in the last 4 or 5 years as she has become more or less bed-bound, so its been a good thing for her. But even after years of me explaining the basics, I have come to learn that it is probably never going to sink in.

My mum has difficulty 'getting' stuff that's just verbally explained
once. I have started to write notes for her with lots of screenshots.
That way she can go over what I've told her. I've also planned to make
some screencasts for her which get automatically delivered to her PC
when she's online. That way she can watch the video multiple times so
it does 'sink in'.


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