[ubuntu-uk] Logo Vote

SW Wootton wootton.eng at gmail.com
Sat Aug 28 06:53:06 BST 2010

Good Morning.
I am quite new to ubuntu being an emigre from SuSe. Just thought I
should make a comment on your email. It would appear to me that in
view of the response to the issue of a change in the logo it should
certainly not be changed. I am certain there are more important issues
to be considered.


On Fri, Aug 27, 2010 at 8:40 PM, Colin Law <clanlaw at googlemail.com> wrote:
> On 27 August 2010 16:30, Alan Pope <alan at popey.com> wrote:
>> On 27 Aug 2010, at 14:20, Alan Bell <alan.bell at theopenlearningcentre.com> wrote:
>>> All the pending votes have now been approved, if you have voted already
>>> and didn't get a mail, don't worry about it, your vote got counted. If
>>> you really want you can email me off list and I can confirm I have your
>>> email address in the list of voters. 54 voters have voted so far,
>> That's about 10% of the subscribers to this list. Which is disappointing but about par for the course in terms of people who are active in FLOSS communities in my experience.
> Prompted by this I have now voted, in order that I do not fall into
> the 'if you do not vote you cannot complain' camp.  I was not going to
> vote, not due to apathy, but because I am not particularly taken by
> any of them, the problem is that I much preferred the old font, I
> think the cuddly round symetrical u and n said something about Ubuntu.
>  I realise that there is not much that can be done about this however.
>  I think it may be a typical case of a company spending money on
> design consultants (or in house designers, I do not know) and ending
> up with something worse that the original.
> I would like to suggest that if the Union Flag one wins then firstly
> the flag texture should be redone - it appears that more that one flag
> has been used to create the texture whereas the current logo appears
> to have been overlayed on one flag image, which I think is as it
> should be.  Also if the flag one wins then I think it might be worth a
> second round trying various fonts and sizes for the uk again.
> Colin
> --
> ubuntu-uk at lists.ubuntu.com
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