[ubuntu-uk] Installing itunes on Wine.

Alan Pope alan at popey.com
Wed Sep 23 10:41:45 BST 2009

2009/9/23 Gordon <gbplinux at gmail.com>:
> Not really an answer but I went through this recently and I've ditched
> iTunes completely, even on Windows. There are so many other legal music
> download sites now that do not have the restrictions and DRM of iTunes
> and some are considerably cheaper.

It's not just about music downloads though is it. I use iTunes on a
Mac with two iPods and there's other stuff that iTunes sadly does over
and above music downloads.

* Podcast management is better than any other combined download and
syncing tool on Ubuntu (IMO)
* Firmware updates to the player can only be done via iTunes (as far
as I can tell).
* Syncing everything to the right categories so the menus make sense
on the player.

Don't get me wrong, I hate iTunes, but sadly it works.


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