[ubuntu-uk] Installing itunes on Wine.

Gordon gbplinux at gmail.com
Wed Sep 23 10:31:01 BST 2009

Rik Boland wrote:
> I am still trying to install itunes on Wine but it wont work - any idea's
> Should wine have some form of window/desk top (GNU?) as me just get a 
> list of programs to run and itunes is not one them!
> Shalom

Not really an answer but I went through this recently and I've ditched 
iTunes completely, even on Windows. There are so many other legal music 
download sites now that do not have the restrictions and DRM of iTunes 
and some are considerably cheaper.
My son-in-law told me of a site www.legalsounds.com where an MP3 
download is US$0.09!!!!! that's about FOUR pence!

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