[ubuntu-uk] Cannot resize windows (U9.04)

Jonathon Fernyhough j.fernyhough at gmail.com
Fri Oct 30 23:15:43 GMT 2009

2009/10/30 David King <linuxman at avoura.com>:
> I had a look at various Compiz settings but could not find one that
> would give me back window resizing when I disabled each setting and
> tried resizing a window.
> Any other suggestions?

Try running just Metacity and see if resizing works. If it does then
it's Compiz. "$ metacity --replace"

The Resize plugin under compiz-config is right at the bottom under the
Window Management section. Make sure it's enabled, and try a different
resizing setting (rectangle, outline, normal, scale).

You could also try ALT-MiddleMouse and dragging to resize. It's
conceivable it's a GTK issue, in which case try a different theme (one
with a border).


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