[ubuntu-uk] 9.10 won't connect to Windows shares on network

Kris Douglas krisdouglas at gmail.com
Fri Oct 30 10:34:11 GMT 2009

2009/10/30 John Matthews <jakewc2 at sky.com>:
> Gordon wrote:
>> John Matthews wrote:
>>> Gordon wrote:
>>>> 9.04 connected to windows shares both on XP and Win 7.
>>>> Upgraded to 9.10 yesterday, all I get is the error" Cannot mount
>>>> location failed to retrieve share list from server"
>>>> Any body help on this?
>>> Hiya, I have been having the same problem, and I have tried everything
>>> and I cant get it to work. My other machines can see this machine, but I
>>> get the same error. Its really annoying me. I just upgraded my netbook
>>> last night, and the network worked no problem, didnt have to change
>>> anything. I have a feeling there is something missing in the
>>> installation, as it should have done the same as the netbook.
>>> John.
>> Do I infer from your post that your Netbook is working OK and can log on
>> to Windows shares?
>> It's my Netbook that can't!
> Hi yes, my Acer One netbook was able to see and connect to the windows
> and ubuntu shares, without doing anything. Its my laptop that cant, and
> I have tried everything that has been mentioned to get it working and it
> wont get past the error you mentioned. I have to say though, I have
> noticed on bootup, on the net book, and its running the same version as
> the laptop, there are things missing on the bootup of the laptop, like
> the options which language to use, the version and something else found
> at the bottom of the login page. If I was kind of wondering because it
> used to be there on 9.04 now its not there. I have mentioned this
> before, and I am going to again, I have a feeling something is missing
> in the upgrade.

If you read the release notes for karmic, there is information about
samba shares not working with Windows 7, this is to be fixed in a
maintenance release shortly.

Kris Douglas

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