[ubuntu-uk] Setting Up an Ubuntu network?

Rob Beard rob at esdelle.co.uk
Fri Oct 30 02:02:28 GMT 2009

Liam Wilson wrote:
> Hey, I have 2 computers Running Ubuntu 9.04 (soon to be 9.10) Thing is, 
> ones a laptop, and the others a netbook running UNR. They're currently 
> connected to a XP server via Samba, But I'd like to set up a Linux 
> network between the laptop and the netbook, with the Laptop as the client.
> How would I go about this, as I know nothing of Ubuntu networking.
> Many thanks;
> Liam
Well if you want to be able to access the files from the XP machine I'd 
suggest using Samba.  What you can do is right click on a folder (for 
instance your home folder) and select Sharing Options.  You can then 
specify what name to give the share, what users can access the share and 
if guests are allowed to access the share.  You will probably be asked 
for your password so Ubuntu can install Samba to enable the file sharing 
(if it isn't already installed).

Then from your other Linux machine try either of the following:

1. Click on the Places menu (on the top menu bar) and select Network 
which will open a window and hopefully pop up a Windows Network icon.

2. Double click on the Windows Network icon and a list of work groups 
(or domains) will appear.  This might be something like WORKGROUP or MSHOME.

3. Double click on one of these work groups (you may only have one, if 
so, just double click on it).

4. A list of machines should appear.  Double click on the desired machine.

5. You should get a list of shares (such as shared drives, shared 
folders or shared printers).  Double click on what you want to access.

6. You may be prompted for a password, if so, enter your username and 
password.  You can tell the machine to forget the password immediately, 
remember it for as long as you're logged on (the current session) or 
remember it permanently.

7.  Access your files :-)

or you can add the network drives as bookmarks.  To do this, try the 

1. Click on the Places menu (on the top menu bar) and then select 
'Connect to Server...'

2. A box should appear asking for some connection details.  Change the 
Service Type to Windows Share.  Enter the name of the machine you want 
to connect to in the server name box, the shared folder/drive you want 
to connect to in the share box, and your username in the username box.  
You can leave the domain box empty.  If you want to save the connection, 
click the Add a bookmark option and enter a bookmark name.

3. Click Connect and then you should be prompted for a password.  You 
can if you want save the password so the machine remembers it.

4. If you chose the option to add a bookmark, if you look under the 
Places menu at Bookmarks, you should see the bookmark for the network 
connection.  If you have a few bookmarks you may see a Bookmarks 
sub-menu which if you click on will show all your bookmarks.

Hopefully this should work, I've just been running back and forth 
between my laptop which is running a Jaunty Live CD and my other half's 
PC which I'm writing this on so there may be slight errors there, but 
hopefully it'll help you figure it out.  I'm not sure if the menu 
options are different on UNR as I haven't really played with it much, 
but hopefully if it is different it won't be that much different.


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