[ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu on the BBC!!!

alan c aeclist at candt.waitrose.com
Tue Oct 27 16:39:00 GMT 2009

Paul Roach wrote:
>> The moral I take from this is - the more Ubuntu is used, anywhere, the
>> closer we get to the tipping point.
>> I have introduced three friends in recent months to  Linux Emporium,
>> because they wanted an Ubuntu only Laptop from a retail friendly
>> source. Three  purchases.  LE is giving an impressive service, I can
>> recommend them.
> I'd second that Alan - I found a desktop via the LE for a friend, and the
> service was first class and the product was excellent - very good for people
> who want to use an alternative OS, but don't want the usual argument with
> suppliers about refunding OS fees and invalidating warranty due to changing
> the OS...
> I've personally found that the less pre-requisite Windows experience people
> have had, the easier they adapt to Linux - people who have to forget the
> previous knowledge to learn anew have a harder time than those who are just
> learning something... this has been true for friends and elderly relatives
> alike

Yes. The most recent purchase from LE - an elderly lady who has been
aware of Ubuntu for at least a year, but has not really run it at all,
intends to continue using windows and even OE for a short time while
she gets a bit more used to Ubuntu.

I had to do some encouraging and persuading to get her to phone me
with the initial few questions - One Q was how do I turn the laptop
volume up more, it is too low? LE could have answered this I am sure
no problem, but contact with them is better left  for more significant
matters if possible -  the Volume Control window (mixer) with its
several sliders is not obvious to a long time Windows user. Another Q
was how to install AVG  (!) and Flash? - easy to explain all taken
care of and why.

Incidentally, this friend has poor eyesight, and LE also installed
vinux (formerly named vibuntu) as dual boot, free of charge.

alan cocks
Ubuntu user

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