[ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu on the BBC!!!

LeeGroups mailgroups at varga.co.uk
Wed Oct 21 22:29:27 BST 2009

> it may be worth clicking on feedback adn commenting,
That page got right up my nose....

Firstly, "computer program" isn't spelt "programme", that would be a 
"television programme".
Secondly, given the number of Windows users who use Open Office, Firefox 
and Thunderbird, a new user of Ubuntu won't necessarily have to learn 
new programs.
Thirdly, 99% of Ubuntu users aren't "interested in open source 
programming", they just want an Operating System that works and doesn't 
get riddled with malware/viruses/trojans on a daily basis, so this point 
would seem at odds with reality.

Given Dells position in the market place and it's support of Ubuntu, the 
contents of this page appear to be somewhat skewed in Microsofts direction.

I would appreciate it corrected at your earliest convenience.

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