[ubuntu-uk] Manchester Karmic (9.10) party

Tim Dobson lists at tdobson.net
Thu Oct 15 18:41:51 BST 2009

Hey Lucy,

Thanks for CC'ing me in.


I had intended to be more proactive on this but due to me being occupied 
chasing Barcamp Manchester (whih is the 7th and 8th of november) 
Sponsorship stuff, I've been worked off my feet and unfortunately not 
been able to give this the energy I had hoped I would be able to.

That said, it's really great to see people taking the lead. :)

Anyway, see comments inline. :)

Lucy wrote:
> 2009/10/15 Gordon Allott <gord.allott at canonical.com>:
>> On Wed, 2009-10-14 at 17:17 +0100, Lucy wrote:
>>> I suggest that we go with the Pitcher and Piano, and start planning
>>> publicity and things. Unless anyone has any objections?
>>> Jon, do you happen to know what their policy is on under-18s?
>> Pitcher and Piano sounds good to me :) In terms of publicity i suggest
>> everyone start telling everyone else ;) whatever we did (i forget) for
>> jaunty obviously worked so lets do that!
> Great :)
> I'm currently talking to Jon about confirming the venue. I intend to
> get an announcement out this weekend and create a Facebook event, etc.
> If other people could add the announcement to other sites and blog
> about it that would be great.

Sounds good to me.

> The venue doesn't allow under-18s after 7pm, so I'm cc'ing Tim from
> DFEY-NW to see if he wants to arrange something earlier for younger
> people, if there's a demand.

Well I'm not 100% sure there is the demand but I think we can still work 
with this.

Perhaps we can take a leaf from the NWDC (North West Digital 
Communities) Christmas party which was at the piano and pitcher last year.

There was no specific guidance towards whether the venue was young 
people friendly - so we came anyway - and there weren't any issues as 
far as I know.

It's not a great approach to the core issue, but it's by far the easiest 
way of dealing with it which seems to work to some extent.

> Since it's a pub the start time doesn't matter as much as it did for
> the BBC, but does 7pm sound okay or 6pm?

The thing about pubs is they generally don't care about the odd youngish 
person who goes *into* a bar before ~7pm so long as they don't try and 
go in and out after that or try and buy anything.

> It would be really nice to have some posters and some buttons to put
> on blogs to publicise the event. Can someone volunteer to come up with
> something?

Sounds great - unfortunately I don't think I can though.

>> we don't have all that much time to get people interested though =\
>> I can bring a few usb thumb drives with as many variations of ubuntu on
>> it, those things install real quick, also popey's local loco mirror
>> worked a treat last time, very quick downloads so i'll get a few images
>> on my laptop too
> Great idea! Make sure you label the thumb drives so that you get them
> back at the end of the evening. I'll probably bring along some old
> fashioned CDs again.

Cool. Sounds great.

Any questions, fire away.



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