[ubuntu-uk] [OT] MP3 players

Alan Lord (News) alanslists at gmail.com
Mon Oct 12 08:37:37 BST 2009

On 11/10/09 22:11, Michael G Fletcher wrote:
> Hi Guys,
> This is more of a philosophical question... I'm looking for a new mp3
> player, about 4 - 10GB, but not over the top when it comes to
> features, I have a smart phone (HTC-Magic running Andriod)  .
> If I were to buy an Apple iPod Nano, would I be going against all my
> OSS beliefs and values?

Who knows?

I have an iPod nano 4th Gen because I won it. But it is one of the 
coolest looking bits of technology I have. I don't use iTunes, but find 
Songbird with the iPod sync extension works fine. I also have a Sansa 
Clip dinky little player. When it came out it only did non-free formats 
(MP3 etc). But Sansa, after some questioning on their forums updated the 
firmware and it now plays ogg too.

Some people regard me as a bit of a FOSS zealot/activist, but I do 
happily use my Nano, watch Flash based videos on my Ubuntu desktop using 
the Adobe Flash player and have other non-free stuff on my computer too; 
I know what they are and what they are for though.

It's your free choice.


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