[ubuntu-uk] Desktop or Server?
Alan Lord (News)
alanslists at gmail.com
Wed Nov 11 16:40:14 GMT 2009
On 11/11/09 16:14, Chris Ray wrote:
<snip />
> I can understand dropping Open Office, Gimp, Media players, etc., from a
> server edition, but why a GUI desktop?
> So, as I see it, either I missed something in the Server setup, or I
> have to choose between adding server stuff to a Desktop install, or
> adding GUI stuff to a server install.
> I cannot be the first here. Any advice greatly appreciated.
See my post on the 09/11/09 "Re: What makes a Server install? (Was Re:
Not a good press)"
Difference between the server and desktop distros is the lack of a
gui in the server and the kernel build.
No GUI is no bad thing IMHO. GDM/X11 etc chew up valuable RAM and
do require you to open more ports and create more potential security
holes in your system.
Ideally your server should only be running the services you want to
serve and nothing more.
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