[ubuntu-uk] Fwd: [LUG] [Fwd: Computer for the elderly launched]

alan c aeclist at candt.waitrose.com
Wed Nov 11 12:05:19 GMT 2009

etali wrote:
> Alan Bell wrote:
>> good luck to them. Not sure I would base a product on Mint, but the
>> hardware looks perfectly good (looks a lot like what I am using right
>> now) and the price is not the price for a bare bones unit but for the
>> solution including training materials and support (remember it isn't
>> being sold to self-supporting geeks) it certainly isn't crazy money. If
>> it is priced right to support a profitable business based on Open Source
>> that is great. Valerie Singleton on board sorting out publicity is
>> fantastic. If people say "Linux, oh yes I have heard about that, it is
>> that computer thingie that doesn't get viruses and is easy to use" then
>> I am all in favour!
> Hopefully that's how it will turn out.
> However, if the hardware is poorly constructed, or the support is 
> terrible, it could just as easily go the other way.  I'm concerned that 
> in a few months time we'll be seeing people on Watchdog complaining 
> about how their computers overheated, or how they bought Windows 
> software and couldn't get it to work, or an update stopped their 
> wireless working and support don't help them....
> Suddenly the perception changes from "Fair play for making a good, safe 
> computer solution with training materials and support" to "This company 
> made overpriced junk, tricked pensioners into buying it, then ran off 
> with their money and left them with broken PCs".
> I'm not saying that will happen, just worried that it could. 
> I have several friends who bought Linux powered netbooks and have been 
> "put off Linux for life" because they went into the purchase with the 
> wrong expectations.  Most of their issues aren't even down to Linux 
> (e.g. they're annoyed they can't play games on the thing - it's a low 
> powered, low screen res machine, even if it was running Windows it 
> wouldn't play most games), but that's not how they see it.

Sad to hear.
Marketing non Windows systems has particular problems. GNU/Linux
systems,marketed into the 'wild' will be vulnerable in that way until
a larger proportion of users expect to have it.

My friends get no help with Windows PCs, but 24/7 support for Ubuntu.

alan cocks
Ubuntu user

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