[ubuntu-uk] Fwd: [LUG] [Fwd: Computer for the elderly launched]

etali etali at myth-games.com
Wed Nov 11 11:43:08 GMT 2009

Alan Bell wrote:
> good luck to them. Not sure I would base a product on Mint, but the
> hardware looks perfectly good (looks a lot like what I am using right
> now) and the price is not the price for a bare bones unit but for the
> solution including training materials and support (remember it isn't
> being sold to self-supporting geeks) it certainly isn't crazy money. If
> it is priced right to support a profitable business based on Open Source
> that is great. Valerie Singleton on board sorting out publicity is
> fantastic. If people say "Linux, oh yes I have heard about that, it is
> that computer thingie that doesn't get viruses and is easy to use" then
> I am all in favour!
Hopefully that's how it will turn out.

However, if the hardware is poorly constructed, or the support is 
terrible, it could just as easily go the other way.  I'm concerned that 
in a few months time we'll be seeing people on Watchdog complaining 
about how their computers overheated, or how they bought Windows 
software and couldn't get it to work, or an update stopped their 
wireless working and support don't help them....

Suddenly the perception changes from "Fair play for making a good, safe 
computer solution with training materials and support" to "This company 
made overpriced junk, tricked pensioners into buying it, then ran off 
with their money and left them with broken PCs".

I'm not saying that will happen, just worried that it could. 

I have several friends who bought Linux powered netbooks and have been 
"put off Linux for life" because they went into the purchase with the 
wrong expectations.  Most of their issues aren't even down to Linux 
(e.g. they're annoyed they can't play games on the thing - it's a low 
powered, low screen res machine, even if it was running Windows it 
wouldn't play most games), but that's not how they see it.

Lesley Harrison

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