[ubuntu-uk] contents ubuntu-uk Digest.(Problem}

Matthew Daubney matt at daubers.co.uk
Thu May 21 15:49:10 BST 2009

On Thu, 2009-05-21 at 12:24 +0100, Peter Lawrence wrote:
> Dear Ubuntu UK;
>                            I have lost my most fantastic distro of 
> Ubuntu that I have ever put together. Over 150 working apps. Everysingle 
> thing up to date and I was running Ubuntu 8.04 and the overall size of 
> my lost Ubuntu OS. was 42.3gb so as you can imagine I am quite upset and 
> all that I did was upgrade my distro on my desktop using every single 
> one of the many instructions that I have on upgrading. This has happened 
> to me over ten  times on as many machines and I simply now will not 
> upgrade any system as every singe time I do the full re-haul it goes 
> pear shaped so now I am starting from scratch using Kubuntu 8.04 and I 
> am simply not going to upgrade radically ever again.
>            Many thanks,
>                                 Peter Lawrence Boyd

Hi Peter, 
	What where the problems you encountered? Upgrading on release day is
sometimes a bit hit and miss, and a lot of people will recommend waiting
a few weeks. If you could let us know what problems you encountered, or
indeed, file a detailed bug report, then it will help the distro
	You may also be interested in this
https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AufsBasedUpgrades which should be coming in
properly in the next (or next +1) release. The Aufs based upgrades
allows you to do a "test" upgrade, and if you experience problems, roll
back to your previous install. 
	The other thing that might be worth considering is sticking to the LTS
releases. While you won't get the new shiny so fast (release every 18
months?) these releases are far more stable and tend to have
considerably less problems.
	If you do experience upgrade problems again, don't simply reinstall,
ask on here for help with problems or drop onto IRC and nip into #ubuntu
or #ubuntu-uk and ask for assistance, people there are usually more than
willing to give up their time to help.

Not helpful in mending the problems you had in the past I know, but
hopefully we can help in the future.

-Matt Daubney
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