[ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu pre-installed computer prices

Eddie Bernard eddieb at gmail.com
Fri Mar 27 08:05:54 GMT 2009

2009/3/25 Matt Jones <matt at mattjones.me.uk>:
> In the past, that opinion was fairly valid. Now, the celerons are
> actually quite speedy little chips, espescially for an Ubuntu box that
> is going to run web/openoffice/music all day. As for recommending a
> Via over the current (Dual core) celerons, they are quite a long way
> behind in performance terms, and not really any cheaper.

I've read this discussion on the benefits or otherwise of Celerons
with interest. I certainly would agree that the very first Intel
Celerons were a waste of time. But, as far as I'm concerned, the
latest Celerons are more than adequate for the average PC user as long
they don't plan to run 3D graphics/games. I'm particularly impressed
with the staying power of the E1400.

> I think that the option should be offered to have either LTS or the
> most current release as an option. For a consumer use, the new
> software available in a non LTS release does offer benefits over the
> staid reliability of the LTS.

Urgh, thanks guys, now I'm thinking I should offer 8.10 again :-)

Perhaps it'd be easier if I just sidestepped this issue for now and
skip straight to 9.04 when it arrives!


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