[ubuntu-uk] Squid proxy box with serious IPv6 DNS problem...

LeeGroups mailgroups at varga.co.uk
Thu Mar 26 21:13:52 GMT 2009


Over the last couple of days I've been trying to build a proxy box for a 
load of Windows PCs, using Squid on Ubuntu server 8.04.
I've had a few problems with it due to the wild/wacky filtered internet 
connection we have there, but now I've hit a massive brick wall...

Using an upstream proxy config Apt can get out to the internet fine, 
download and update the OS.

However, Squid can't resolve any DNS loopups... it just fails a few 
minutes after loading.

Doing a wget of a known file like the Google index page also fails with 
a unresolved DNS error.

However, (after much much much reading) using the -4 option of wget, to 
force it to use IPv4, it works fine, resolves the Google address and 
downloads the index page and saves it.

I've blacklisted the IPv6 service, but wget (and Squid) still doesn't 
work without the -4 option, so I guess bits of IPv6 are still hiding 
there somewhere....

My question is - How do I fix this bloomin' thing?  I've been googling 
for hours with only the -4 option to show for it... and I really need to 
get this this working for Friday afternoon...  Otherwise bad Windows 
things may happen...


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