[ubuntu-uk] Welsh Jaunty Release Party

markwhite markwhite at mdpuk.com
Fri Mar 20 20:32:10 GMT 2009

Christopher Swift wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Hello, I am Chris[0], however some may know me as ianto in irc and I am
> hoping to organise a release party in Wales. I'm currently in the south
> of Wales near Swansea, so I'm thinking of utilising the city of Swansea
>   as a potential venue however Cardiff is also under consideration as
> well as a few other largish settlements in Wales. At the moment, much
> isn't planned but topics under discussion are the types of venue: i.e.
> should it be a pub, a _real_ party or just somewhere to chat like a
> restaurant or something. Also another big detail, is the city as I've
> mentioned above. There are however plans being made at the moment by
> some Welsh Ubuntueros[1].
> If you are in or are able to travel to the south of Wales to meet up
> with the Welsh Ubuntu community, then by all means come along when we
> finalize things. However I'd like some feedback regarding the venue
> choice and location. For example in your opinion would a full on party
> be preferable to pub or a restaurant or what sort of venue would you
> prefer? Also, how many of you will be definitely able to attend on 25th
> April if in Swansea or in Cardiff or even somewhere up North which I
> wouldn't mind attending if I save up some money by then for a train fare
> :-).
> Well I would appreciate your feedback, I look forward to hearing from
> you all,
> Chris
> [0] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Chris
> [1] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WelshTeam/JauntyReleaseParty
> - --
> Christopher Swift
> http://launchpad.net/~chris
> PGP Key: 0x10A0B8E
> <Chris at Chrisswift.eu>
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> =Fqc4

I am in north Wales, Bangor and would be interested in organising 
something in the north. What would the demand be like? Also what 
location Wrexham, Bangor LLandudno?

Any sugestions


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