[ubuntu-uk] Chromium

David King linuxman at avoura.com
Fri Mar 20 20:01:04 GMT 2009

I was referring to Chromium, a project by Codeweavers using Wine to make 
Chrome run on Linux. Unless there is another program called Chromium?

When using the Chromium browser, if I right click on the title bar, the 
bottom option on the menu is "About Wine".

David King

Alan Pope wrote:
> 2009/3/20 David King <linuxman at avoura.com>:
>> I have it working, although there are bugs in it. I downloaded and
>> installed soon after it came out, so not sure if the latest version
>> might be different. Are you able to run Wine or Crossover or any other
>> Windows programs via those?
> The windows version under WINE/Crossover would be _chrome_ the product
> from Google. I suspect Liam was meaning the Open Source version
> _chromium_. I tried building it and decided I have better things to do
> with my time, especially when the official site asks people not to
> file bugs. I figured my time was better spent testing software that's
> further down the development line and _wants_ my bug reports :)
> Cheers,
> Al.

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