[ubuntu-uk] Manchester Ubuntu Release Party

Andrew Williams andy at tensixtyone.com
Fri Mar 20 11:43:01 GMT 2009

On Fri, Mar 20, 2009 at 11:24:42AM +0000, Lucy wrote:
> Sadly, the Marbella Cafe closed down some months ago due to problems
> with their landlord and are still looking for a suitable location.

Ack, thats some bad news, my other half is not gonna be happy about 
that, no more cupcakes.
> I would suggest that a pub is probably easiest, somewhere like the
> Waterhouse[1], which is central, child friendly and cheap (any other
> suggestions?). Although if people are unhappy with going to a pub then
> maybe we can sort out a room somewhere else like the MDDA..

The MDDA is great, but I guess it would depend on the number of people, 
more than about 25 people the place will be swamped :)

I'm not too great with Manchester, it's hard enough trying to keep up 
with all the locations in Liverpool.

If worse comes to worse and we can't find a sutable location in 
Manchester we would be able to bodge somewhere in Liverpool, we've got a 
nice collection of meeting spaces (LSC, STATIC, Mello Mello, FACT, Nova 
CC) which i'm sure would be happy to host us.  

Andrew Williams
w: http://tensixtyone.com/
e: andy at tensixtyone.com
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