[ubuntu-uk] comprehensively messed up by updates

Rowan Berkeley rowan.berkeley at googlemail.com
Mon Mar 9 09:29:01 GMT 2009

If I was running a consistent and up to date version of the OS, the
situation wouldn't arise in which I would be tempted to uncheck the
drivers updates option.

On Mon, 2009-03-09 at 09:19 +0000, Sean Miller wrote:
> On Mon, Mar 9, 2009 at 9:16 AM, Alan Pope <alan at popey.com> wrote:
> > 2009/3/9 Sean Miller <sean at seanmiller.net>:
> >> I will repeat my previous advice -- forget "restore disc", install
> >> from 8.10 instead.
> >>
> >
> > That wouldn't help in this case. If he was running 8.10 vanilla and
> > unticked 'restricted' he'd end up in pretty much the same place. It's
> > not the install disc, it's the user that's at fault in this case.
> Ah, hadn't spotted that... true... still am of the opinion, though,
> that if he's still at the stage where he can re-install (or "restore"
> or whatever) without losing things he'd do better with a more
> up-to-date, and "vanilla", install.
> Half this problem seems, to me at least, to be to do with Rowan having
> lost confidence in the whole setup of his machine.
> Installing 8.10 and finding his machine works like magic may restore
> some of that.
> Sean

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