[ubuntu-uk] G*d help me I just had to TRY to use Vits*

Ken Robson ken at robsonfamily.co.uk
Sun Jun 28 18:49:27 BST 2009

I have an application that runs in dos (real dos not a terminal) and I 
needed to know the IO port a piece of hardware used under M$, I 
*thought* it might be the same under Ubuntu but wanted to make sure.

So I resurrected a machine that has been off for nearly 2 years, it was 
a dual boot of Vist* 64 and Ubuntu 8.04 64.

I had to change the video card as I had canabalised it before to fix 
another machine, so I put in an old Nvidia 5200 (a reasonable card in it 
day), Ubuntu booted fine, then tried Vist*, BLOO** H**L what a shock to 
the system. SLOW to load, SLOW to show folders, and it didn't recognise 
the raid card (the one I wanted the IO info from) so I had to d/l a 
driver, then when it rebooted no VIDEO!! (it recognised that I had 
installed a NV 5200 card as it told me so, even told me it had installed 
the driver HA!)
So eventually I found the card that used to be in it, and rebooted 
again, this time video/blank screen OOPS!  WHY a blank screen for 10-20 
seconds (monitor went to standby), then video again.
Finally installed the driver (another re-boot) and was able to get the 
info I wanted.....

What a PAIN IN THE A**. I am glad I left it for dead TWO YEARS AGO!  If 
I was still using it and contemplating the new W7 the price would be 
enough to put me off, I can buy A COMPLETE PC for the price of an 
UPGRADE license (Over £150)  I found the "Vista Experience" a bit bland 
(performance on the goodness meter was 5.0) after running Compiz, NO 
control over what happens at all, you either get it or you don't, The 
side bar I tuned off after the first 5 minutes, and I don't feel that I 
have missed anything (other than the annoying prompts and no network 
issues) over the past 2 years.
Way to go LINUX!!

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