[ubuntu-uk] An Ubuntu version that looks like Windows

Rob Beard rob at esdelle.co.uk
Wed Jun 17 22:36:46 BST 2009

David King wrote:
> An Israeli company has put together a version of Linux based on Ubuntu 
> and that looks and acts more like Windows, which could be a good way of 
> getting Windows users to switch. It can also switch to a Mac-like 
> interface with a simple mouse click or two.
> http://www.affordy.com/
> However, if you download it, it is a trial version that runs 16 times 
> only, then you have to pay for it.
Hmm, to be honest I can already make Ubuntu more Windows-like for free.  
I did this with Ubuntu to make it look a bit like Vista for my other 
half.  I think now though if I wanted a more Windows like experience I'd 
probably choose Linux Mint.


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