[ubuntu-uk] TomTom One

Graham Binns graham at grahambinns.com
Wed Jul 22 22:48:40 BST 2009

On 22/07/09 21:02, Lucy wrote:
> My Dad has a computer running Xubuntu, shortly to be replaced by a
> slightly newer machine running Ubuntu 9.04. About 18 months ago he
> bought a TomTom One and would like to be able to update it using the
> TomTom Home Client. Now I know this is Windows only (despite being
> written using the Mozilla framework!) and has no chance of working
> under Wine. I'm guessing that the only option for getting it working
> would be VirtualBox?

Yes, VB is the only option that works for TomTom Home, IME. You'll need
the binary version (non-open-source) from the VirtualBox website so that
the VM can access the USB devices on the system.

> Finally, can someone with a TomTom say what, if anything, he is
> missing out on by not using the TomTom Home client? The documentation
> is terrible and I think I read somewhere that there was a time limit
> on the supposed 'freebies'? I'd ask TomTom directly but I'd need to
> sign up to their site first, which I'm loathed to do..

I used it a couple of times when I set the thing up but never since. It
is useful for updating the maps every once in a while... but that said
I've never actually noticed any difference in the maps after an update
(I guess my part of the world is just well mapped).

Graham Binns | PGP Key: EC66FA7D

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