[ubuntu-uk] card reader not recognised

Norman Silverstone norman at littletank.org
Wed Jul 22 17:41:07 BST 2009

> Reading around a bit, I think the problem is from the device requesting
> USB 1.1 instead of USB 2.0. One workaround seemed to be very daft in
> that it removed the use of USB 2.0 from your system, so I wouldn't
> recommend it. Since card readers are so cheap these days, I'd just get a
> better one. If it's a laptop, take the machine with you to the shop and
> ask to try it. 

I don't mind buying a new one but it feels a bit like you know who,
change the operating system and you need to change some hardware. The
frustrating thing is that it works perfectly well on another machine
apparently running the same operating system. 


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