[ubuntu-uk] Help needed with ssh

Alan Lord (News) alanslists at gmail.com
Fri Jul 17 16:26:50 BST 2009

On 17/07/09 13:33, John Matthews wrote:
<snip />
> I got down to the permissions page, and it just looked like a lot of
> stuff, that made no sense at all.
> I am sorry that I have had to ask, I will try from now on to not bother
> you.
> Thank you again,
> John.

Hi John,

There is another, quite recent "book" that is online which might help 
you too.

It does good job of comparing the differences between using a GUI 
(Windows and the Mouse etc) and the command line.

It has quite a few pictures too. You can read the book online here:


and also get it as an indexed PDF from here:




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