[ubuntu-uk] printing/scanning

Norman Silverstone norman at littletank.org
Thu Jul 16 09:47:47 BST 2009

< snip >
> > It might be that you're scanning in colour and sending to a b&w printer.
> > 
> > Either the printer or (more likely) the scanner is dithering the
> > picture, and it's probably down to the settings you are using to scan
> > the image. I saw this about 12 months ago using XSane and an HP
> > scanner. Can't remember the setting I changed, I can have a look later
> > if you get stuck.
> Thanks for the suggestion and I will go back and check the settings
> which, as far as I know, have not been changed for several years.
> I have now had the chance to try another scanner and exactly the same
> thing happens. So, it begins to look as though something has changed in
> the software responsible for converting the signal from the scanner to
> the printer. What would be a good way to try to find the culprit?
To get some more evidence, I scanned a document via Gimp and printed
from there and the same thing happens, pale and broken lines. However,
when I print from Gimp via TurboPrint the text is much darker and not
broken although, the individual lines appear to be somewhat thicker than
the original.


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