[ubuntu-uk] printing/scanning

Norman Silverstone norman at littletank.org
Thu Jul 16 09:09:45 BST 2009

> > I would be grateful if I could have some help in trying to identify a
> > problem which has just recently appeared. When I send a scanned document
> > to the printer all the lines are no longer solid but are made up from
> > lots of what appear to be small 'dots' or 'back slashes'. It does not
> > appear to be a scanner fault as the same document scanned to the screen
> > is normal. The scanner is an old Canon Lide 20 and I use Ubuntu 9.04.
> >
> > This peculiar printing does not happen when documents are sent from
> > OpenOffice, for example.
> >

> It might be that you're scanning in colour and sending to a b&w printer.
> Either the printer or (more likely) the scanner is dithering the
> picture, and it's probably down to the settings you are using to scan
> the image. I saw this about 12 months ago using XSane and an HP
> scanner. Can't remember the setting I changed, I can have a look later
> if you get stuck.

Thanks for the suggestion and I will go back and check the settings
which, as far as I know, have not been changed for several years.

I have now had the chance to try another scanner and exactly the same
thing happens. So, it begins to look as though something has changed in
the software responsible for converting the signal from the scanner to
the printer. What would be a good way to try to find the culprit?


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