[ubuntu-uk] BBC sound

Mike Paglia mike.paglia at gmail.com
Wed Jul 15 15:17:09 BST 2009


Segmentation faults are caused by programs trying to access parts of memory
that don't exist, or I believe that are read only or even being used by
other programs.

I used to get this when the machine was up for a long time and a good old
fashioned reboot fixed it. I know that's not a real fix but when your not
sure how to fix it and you want to get on then its as good as any.


2009/7/14 mac <ammonius.grammaticus at gmx.co.uk>

> Norman Silverstone wrote:
> > This is unbelievable. I ran firefox (small f) in a terminal, loaded the
> > BBC website and radio played perfectly, I could not make it crash.
> Well, you won't believe this, but I've just been trying to listen to BBC
> Radio4 live (Ubuntu 9.04 on a Samsung NC10;  FF 3.0.11), and every time
> the iPlayer starts, FF crashes.  I ran it in a terminal, and the output
> just before the crash is 'Segmentation Fault'.
> Anyone got any ideas?
> --
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