[ubuntu-uk] Shell Access for VPS server

Andrew Oakley andrew at aoakley.com
Mon Jul 6 23:02:34 BST 2009

John wrote:
> I was just wondering, is there any difference between Linux Shell and 
> Ubuntu Shell access?

Not so as you'd notice.

If you get into chaining commands together (piping) or writing vaguely 
advanced shell scripts, then it does matter that Ubuntu uses Bash 
(Bourne Again Shell), but then Red Hat, Fedora, Suse and most Linux 
distributions also tend to use Bash these days.

> Also does anybody have any website I can look at to 
> learn shell script?

"Bash programming" are the search words you're after.


The first hit http://tldp.org/HOWTO/Bash-Prog-Intro-HOWTO.html is 
particularly good, if somewhat plain in layout.

If anyone has any recommendations for a good pocket Bash reference book, 
I'd love to hear about it. I've been looking for about a year now, and 
all I can find are epic tutorials. I just want a quick reference.

Andrew Oakley

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