[ubuntu-uk] Clearing home directory at logout

Lucy lucybridges at gmail.com
Fri Jan 30 12:44:59 GMT 2009

2009/1/29 Rob Beard <rob at esdelle.co.uk>:
> Actually having a bit of a play I think I might have found a
> workaround.  I ended up installing the GDM Watchdog which checks for
> when a user logs out (or alternatively turns off the client).  It then
> closes all the users processes so in there I've put in a test command
> which works and runs as the logged in user.  Hopefully I can put
> together a simple script to empty the home directory and unpack a tar
> archive back into the directory.  Not ideal but as I'm on a tight
> schedule (server is being installed on Saturday and goes live on the 7th
> Feb) it looks like it'll have to do.  I'll just have to try and find a
> more elegant solution afterwards.

Rob, debian's LTSP package uses LDM rather than GDM to control logins.
I don't know if Ubuntu is the same? Have you tested the script on the
LTSP machines yet?

For LDM, the LTSP howto describes different scripts that can be
executed on startup, login and logout. It also has a section on
customising the screensaver, which might be useful (on debian it locks
the screen after a few minutes, which isn't always helpful).
You might want to have a read if it turns out you are using LDM:

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