[ubuntu-uk] So, would you vote for them? (see The Reg)

Rob Beard rob at esdelle.co.uk
Wed Jan 28 15:45:35 GMT 2009

On 28/01/2009 14:57, Chris Rowson wrote:
>     Any political party that is interested in the free software world, in
>     particular Linux, is a candidate for using Ubuntu.
> Despite the attention grabbing strap-line of 'Tories put toes on Linux 
> bandwagon' that el' Reg seem to have used; I'm not sure that the 
> 'Tories are necessarily advocating Linux over Windows operating 
> systems to be fair.
> I'd be willing to bet that they were talking about stuff like......
> - Open Office instead of Microsoft Office
> - MySQL/PostgreSQL instead of MSSQL
> - Sendmail/Postfix etc instead of Exchange
> - SugarCRM instead of proprietary CRM
> etc, etc, etc.
> Still, it's all good, and hopefully it'll help spurn on a greater 
> usage of Linux in the public sector. I imagine at the moment though 
> it'll be on the server rather than the desktop....
> Chris
Yep as you say it's all good.  Hopefully it'll increase the market share 
of OpenOffice, Firefox etc on the desktop (not sure about Thunderbird, 
maybe they'd use some web based portal for mail/calendars etc)?

At least when end users get familar with OpenOffice, Firefox etc making 
the switch to Ubuntu/Kubuntu/insert favourite distro here it shouldn't 
be as much of a shock.  Well that's assuming they aren't the sort of 
user who doesn't like change at all (and I dare say there are a fair few 
out there).



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