[ubuntu-uk] So, would you vote for them? (see The Reg)

Chris Rowson christopherrowson at gmail.com
Wed Jan 28 14:57:00 GMT 2009

> Any political party that is interested in the free software world, in
> particular Linux, is a candidate for using Ubuntu.

Despite the attention grabbing strap-line of 'Tories put toes on Linux
bandwagon' that el' Reg seem to have used; I'm not sure that the 'Tories are
necessarily advocating Linux over Windows operating systems to be fair.

I'd be willing to bet that they were talking about stuff like......

- Open Office instead of Microsoft Office
- MySQL/PostgreSQL instead of MSSQL
- Sendmail/Postfix etc instead of Exchange
- SugarCRM instead of proprietary CRM

etc, etc, etc.

Still, it's all good, and hopefully it'll help spurn on a greater usage of
Linux in the public sector. I imagine at the moment though it'll be on the
server rather than the desktop....

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