[ubuntu-uk] Remote support was Sad but true? From the Register

Rob Beard rob at esdelle.co.uk
Sun Jan 18 20:01:32 GMT 2009

On 18/01/2009 17:01, Ian Pascoe wrote:
> OK, looks like we've got three different strands here:
> - on line support
> - user education
> - diagnostic apps
> And personally, the last one scares me as it's a major project in itself. -
> although there may be stuff out there that could be adapted like the distro
> that ships with an app that collects hardware data; darn, can't remember
> which one does it .... it's not Ubuntu though is it?
IIRC CentOS and Fedora do something like this, can't for the life of me 
remember what it's called though, just seen it scrolling past on boot up.
> I also believe that the on line support needs to be both a graphical one and
> a command line one - graphical to observe the user to see what they're doing
> etc like VNC.
Well I guess for command line support there is always SSH.  I was having 
a play with regards to graphical support and reverse VNC.

I managed to use x11vnc to connect to my laptop running TightVNC.  IIRC 
I used something like x11vnc -connect hostname.domain.org:5500

It did say something on the x11vnc output about forwarding it via SSH 
but I didn't have time this morning to look into it further.  What I'd 
love to know is if there is any way I could kill the process with Zenity 
so that the user can close the remote session at any time?

> Actually, what do Cononical use for there own paid for remote support, if
> they have one?  Be a lot easier to use infrastructure already in place than
> try and create our own ....
Yup, no point in re-inventing the wheel if we can get away with it.


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