[ubuntu-uk] Remote support was Sad but true? From the Register

Rob Beard rob at esdelle.co.uk
Sat Jan 17 15:55:49 GMT 2009

On 17/01/2009 15:11, Ian Pascoe wrote:
> Johnathon, et al,
> In your post from Thursday you mention you have OpenVPN installed to provide
> remote access etc.
> In Rob's case he doesn't appear against this but worried about connections
> to his own private network.
> Do you know if you can set up an OpenVPN server on a hosting site, no direct
> connection to home network, but then either SSH to the OpenVPN server and
> thence onto the client, or through some VNC equivilant?
> About a year or two ago, discussions were held here about providing some
> sort of support package from the UK loco, but got bogged down for one reason
> or another.  This idea of setting up a hosted VPN server could be a way to
> provide the remote support that we were finding difficult to arrange.
> I briefly looked at OpenVPN  quite some time ago for remote access to my
> brother's Windlows laptop as he was having lots of various problems - it
> went puff before I got any further with the idea.
> Anyone fancy trying to set up such a project to see if it both works and is
> workable?
> Maybe set up a server at someones place for testing purposes, and if all
> works well there see if those nice people at Bitfolk, or whoever does the
> podcast mirrors, could loan us an account for a period of time whilst trials
> go on?  Or maybe a bit of space on a Cononical server?
> If all works out, extend the server capabilities to host an iPBX and a CRM
> (Customer Relationship Management) tool like SugarCRM, I think, and an
> instant Ubuntu Support Service is formed.  Now if you really wanted to get
> onto the bandwagon, get a duplicate setup in the States, Europe and
> elsewhere connected together and hey presto!  something that no one else has
> but is cost effective and a real boon to the Community.  Hmm, better stop
> there, beginning to go the realms of fantasy!
> It'd certainly make things a lot easier to do as there wouldn't be problems
> with security, bandwidth or such like.
> Discuss!
> Ian
Well I think it's a good idea if it's workable.  I think I may have 
found a solution albeit not ideal by using reverse VNC where a PC on my 
network listens for connections from a client's PC, something along the 
lines of this... http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=299489

I've yet to look into how to tunnel it over SSH but I'd probably 
implement it in a virtual machine.


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